Monday, September 22, 2008

Exploring Beijing & The Great Wall

The Paralympics have wrapped up and we will spend the next week exploring Beijing - with a side trip or two to sites like the Great Wall. Yesterday we went with some of Bruce's paralympic colleagues on a wonderful "tour" to the Wall, driving about 3 hours outside Beijing, and hiking a beautiful 10km section with both restored and unrestored parts. "Tour" is in quotes because our poor tour guide, a very sweet woman in her 20s was apparently called up at the last minute by her company to lead us, but didn't seem to know that she was getting herself into a 3-4 hour walk - much of which was uphill on uneven ground. She was consistently about 1/2 hour behind us and too exhausted to give us information about the Wall. Nevertheless, it was a spectacular day. Today, Bruce and I wandered through the area around our hotel, which is in the city's Central Business District. Many of the skyscrapers in the area are brand spanking new and very architecturally interesting. We ended up at a beautiful park in the embassy area. Tomorrow, we'll hopefully hook up with our friend, Eric, who is living here.


Dick & Susan said...

Gretchen and Bruce: The pictures look spectacular. We're anxious to hear about your "tour" to the Great Wall. We appreciate the updates on your exciting travels.

Dick and Susan

Dick & Susan said...

Hello from Warren, Indiana. I am loving the pictures and information about the paralymics and especially the group picture showing my two loved ones. Keep them coming. Love, Nana